I bought a plant last night. Probably paid too much, but it was a nice little ivy plant. It's a friends house right now as we went to see the Narnia movie last night and I didn't want to leave it in my car for that long. I don't know why exactly I would do this to this poor innocent plant, as I do not have a green thumb. I even managed to kill an aloe plant, which is a cactus and how in the world do you kill a cactus???????? Perhaps this one will fare better. And you all read that right. I went to the theater and saw the Narnia movie for the second time. When oh when will it come out on vhs and dvd???? I caught several things I didn't the first time through, from Santa's shadow on the snow [duh] to a parrellel between the war the kids fled from and the one they fought in Narnia. We are on the brink of another new year. I am rather more pessimistic and cynical than I have been in past years, and yet at the same time I've had a wonderful run of emails this week th...
We all see the world differently, sometimes correctly, sometimes flawed. This is my slice of reality, My Secret Place...where I come to vent, to imagine and to muse, to ramble on about my trials large and small...amongst people who accept me with all my flaws and foibles...and read anyways.