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Showing posts from January, 2008

Life Happens

Does it not? Let's see. Christmas was fine...because I drank a bottle and a half of wine. Not all at once!! I spread it out through out the day. The best part was realizing I was drinking Jewish wine while frying pork bacon. But it didn't stop me from carrying on. New Years was ok...I had wine again, but there was also soda so I didn't drink quite as much as I did at Christmas. I also ran out to Dunkin Donuts for a dozen donuts, which lasted only until the next day...Mom and I polished them off without Liston's help...though he's been eating my bacon. Burgandy is coming back to work with us on Friday. Yay! I wonder if Jerry realizes that he's only inviting more drama. It can't be helped when you employ both genders. But Chris is a rather jealous type when it comes to working with other girls. Kirk is going to days for 6 weeks. :( If he likes it, he's going to ask if it can be longer. I guess he's never been on days the entire time he's been there...