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Showing posts from December, 2008

Holiday Greetings

Merry Christmas ! Happy Hannukah! Happy Boxing Day! Did I miss anybody? I hit a deer last week, with Mom's van. Her insurance is fixing it (headlight) and provided us with a rental for two days while it's in the garage. I've been driving around in a PT Cruiser....which is kind of nice...our van sucks compared to it. I have to take it back today :( Oh well. I've been the only one driving it as well, because Mom ran away for the holidays. She went to spend a week or two with my brother Cliff. Both of them have to hit me with what a terrible person I am...all said via email of course. So I'm not missing Mom and have written my brother off my wedding invite list if I ever marry. Anything to spoil the holidays for me...well, it won't work. I'm just not checking my email! Hope everyone has a safe holiday.

Life Happens

Long time no write, I know. I've been busy living life. I've been working...and those duties have changed. The other woman in the nightshift pre-press department has transfered to Days. Which leaves me to take her place. Which is no big deal, but they are in no hurry to put a person in my position, so I have to do double duty a lot. With out a raise - because the company is under a hiring/wage freeze for the upcoming year because our economy sucks and we're trying to save money so we don't have to fire anyone. Although if certain persons don't shape up soon, they're going to find themselves without a job shortly. There are a lot of nights I wait for Justin to get out of work so that we can hang out afterwards and so I can give him a ride home. He doesn't have a vehicle other than his bicyle right now, and I like to give him a ride home when I can. Which is often. His parents won't give him a ride to work, for some reason I don't understand. ...