Ok, I know it's not Monday, but I thought I ought to let folks know that I'm moving to a new blog. Well, I might still come here and vent once in a while. That was always the purpose of this particular blog. And that just won't fit with the new direction I need to go for my career. So, if you want to keep up with that, come see me at A Novel Idea Granted, not the most creative blog title ever, but for the time being it fits. Life is good :)
I just had my first Google+ Hangout today, which was pretty darn cool! Ever since my birthday, life has just been one adventure after another. I'm not sure what was special about this past birthday, but I'm not minding what life is bringing me! So it was Jeff Roach from Sociallogical.com and it's about building a community of like believers etc. instead of traditional marketing. I'll end up signing up for their membership eventually, once Justin gets done working on his truck. Well, that might never happen...he's always working on one vehicle or another! But once that gets settled down, because I can learn on my own - I just need a few pointers to get me headed in the right direction. One thing I took away from the Hangout was that I'm on the right track by beginning to blog again. He used an example of another author blogging about their area of expertise. Even though I write fiction, that's still something I can do to. I might not be...