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A hodgepodge

It's gonna snow. I know this outside of the weather report because of three things.
#1- the sky was a glorious red and lavendar this morning...all the way around the horizon.
#2- the kids on the bus are even more highstrung than usual.
#3- I plan on going away this weekend.

I heard the neatest story on the radio today. Ok, I only caught about half of it. This couple had sent an email telling about all the trials they were going through, and how other Christians had stepped in to help them. They had even put their wedding rings on Ebay in an effort to raise money. So, John and Denny of the morning show had this couple come in and at the end of it...someone had bought the wedding rings and through John and Denny, gave them back to the couple!!! I thought it was cool. With all the terror in today's world, there is still Love.

There was something else I wanted to say here. thinking.........sheesh.....I'll have to come back later and repost, that is if I ever remember what it was.


Jean-Luc Picard said…
An extraordinary story, Ciera.
My faithful Ciera...thank you for your encouraging words.
Ciera said…
uhhhhh...which one Fluke?
Ciera said…
voila! Done!

uhm, what about Sprok's missing comment?
Ciera said…
How come Sprok deleted his comment?
Ciera said…
Oh, I helped with the clutter, so don't feel bad! I enjoyed it all [mad woman that I am]!!!!!

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