I had more trouble getting out of my parking lot this morning than I did driving on the roads. Hopefully the maintenance man Byron will have the lots cleared of snow by the time I have to go home. And I had to park on the other side of the street from the library instead of right in front, because there was no way I was going to park in unplowed snow ya know. I'd rather walk a few extra feet than have my car stuck!
I was tagged over at Carl's and since I can't help but do these things:
Here are the rules:
“The first player of this game starts with the topic “five weird habits of yourself,” and people who get tagged need to write an entry about their five weird habits as well as state this rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose the next five people to be tagged and link to their web journals. Don’t forget to leave a comment in their blog or journal that says “You are tagged” (assuming they take comments) and tell them to read yours.”
And so, without further ado, here are - -
Five Weird Habits of Mine:
1. I Blog. This might not seem unusual in the grand scheme of things, but believe me - where I live, I am odd for doing this.
2. I like cold pizza, especially for breakfast. I can't stand it rewarmed...blech.
3. Like Carl, I rewatch movies...I watched LOTR:The Fellowship of the Ring 6 times the first week my sister brought the movie home...a little obsessive I know.
4. I won't stomp through puddles or walked through water if I can help it because I can't stand wet feet.
5. I still read the comics every day. MY favorites are: BC, For Better or For Worse, Garfield, Rose is Rose, and Bob the Squirrel.
Okay, those tagged would be:
1. Superhero Bob
2. Daydream Believer
3. Cliff
4. The Captain
5. Shelley
And like Carl, I won't be offended if you don't share yours!
I would have tagged Rob, but he doesn't do them. Party pooper. I would have taged Fluke too - but he's busy in the middle of a party.
Oh, I guess doing these meme things would count as an unusual habit wouldn't it? :)
I was tagged over at Carl's and since I can't help but do these things:
Here are the rules:
“The first player of this game starts with the topic “five weird habits of yourself,” and people who get tagged need to write an entry about their five weird habits as well as state this rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose the next five people to be tagged and link to their web journals. Don’t forget to leave a comment in their blog or journal that says “You are tagged” (assuming they take comments) and tell them to read yours.”
And so, without further ado, here are - -
Five Weird Habits of Mine:
1. I Blog. This might not seem unusual in the grand scheme of things, but believe me - where I live, I am odd for doing this.
2. I like cold pizza, especially for breakfast. I can't stand it rewarmed...blech.
3. Like Carl, I rewatch movies...I watched LOTR:The Fellowship of the Ring 6 times the first week my sister brought the movie home...a little obsessive I know.
4. I won't stomp through puddles or walked through water if I can help it because I can't stand wet feet.
5. I still read the comics every day. MY favorites are: BC, For Better or For Worse, Garfield, Rose is Rose, and Bob the Squirrel.
Okay, those tagged would be:
1. Superhero Bob
2. Daydream Believer
3. Cliff
4. The Captain
5. Shelley
And like Carl, I won't be offended if you don't share yours!
I would have tagged Rob, but he doesn't do them. Party pooper. I would have taged Fluke too - but he's busy in the middle of a party.
Oh, I guess doing these meme things would count as an unusual habit wouldn't it? :)
Isn't the virtual world fun?
btw - thanks for playing Daydreamer, Superhero Bob, and of course, Oh Captain my Captain!
Will you forgive me if I bring along some cheese?
PS: my word verification is "tieer" - is that a word? :-)
And I've seen some pretty interesting words in word verification!