I have taken a deep breath...or two...and am feeling better. I also went shopping yesterday. :D
It helped to have Jerry back to work tonight...even though he's technically supposed to be on vacation. Our other supervisor wasn't there though, which was a great relief to me. The one guy who had given me trouble actually apologized for it. That helps tremendously.
I still wish Christina would just go away. She was excluded from all conversations regarding this, and she was trying to make like she knew hoping that I'd spill the beans [unless Tempy told her...Carl claims he didn't tell her a thing]. Of course, just about everybody there wishes she'd just go away too. She keeps promising...but she was only gone a week and then she was right back to work...
Jerry cut himself at work tonight...so I had to stay over longer...so I'm whooped...gotta get some sleep. At least I don't have to worry about my paycheck, it's already deposited. I didn't get much sleeo Friday b/c Mom's not feeling good and wanted me to stay over. I think she wants the same today. Sigh...
It helped to have Jerry back to work tonight...even though he's technically supposed to be on vacation. Our other supervisor wasn't there though, which was a great relief to me. The one guy who had given me trouble actually apologized for it. That helps tremendously.
I still wish Christina would just go away. She was excluded from all conversations regarding this, and she was trying to make like she knew hoping that I'd spill the beans [unless Tempy told her...Carl claims he didn't tell her a thing]. Of course, just about everybody there wishes she'd just go away too. She keeps promising...but she was only gone a week and then she was right back to work...
Jerry cut himself at work tonight...so I had to stay over longer...so I'm whooped...gotta get some sleep. At least I don't have to worry about my paycheck, it's already deposited. I didn't get much sleeo Friday b/c Mom's not feeling good and wanted me to stay over. I think she wants the same today. Sigh...