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The Price

The price for having Thanksgiving day off at my job is: having to work the following Saturday. BOOOO!! At least we only worked 5.5 hours today. There is that much. Since we also have Monday off - we get an extra holiday a year and they give it to us on the first day of rifle hunting season, go fif. lol. But we'll probbly have to work next Saturday too because of that. Oh well, at least it'll look nice in the paycheck. Given the stress I was under today, tryig to catch all my product (damn knuckles anyway) and train my new hire...I am so ready not to go back on Tuesday. I wonder if Unemployment would except stress and insanity as a good reason to quit. Probably not.

Of coure, when it rains it pours. Justin had pulled the engine in our blue dodge when the engine in our green dodge decides to go! So now he's trying to get the blue one back together so he can work on the green one. The green one was a gift from his parents, a truck he's wanted since a teen. The engine shouldn't have went, since it hadn't been out of the garage that long. But I think it came with the problem, so no one can blaim my driving, or Justin's!

I apologize for any typoes I miss. I'm sitting in an awkward position, and I'm trying to type too fast. Justin also decided that now was a good time to do some remodeling in the trailer since it's basically ours now. He tore out an entire wall...2 connect 2 rooms. It'll be nice when we're's just getting there that will take forever!! In the mean time, my copmuter position is a pain in the tookus.

Such is life.

I get to see the doctor on Monday. I hope I can get more medicine from him. I think that anti-depressant was beginning to work, but since I couldn't see him the first time, I ran out and have to wait to see him. It wasn't doing a thorough job, I still woke up during the night, which is why he gave it to me in the first place. Maybe a higher dose. idk. we'll see.


M. C. Pearson said…
Hey Cierra! I saw that you left a comment on Hardcover Feedback for a chance to win my book. :-D I wanted to make sure that you saw that you had to press "I did this" on the button about leaving a comment. There are also multiple ways to enter the raffle. Anyway, good luck! Yay!
M. C. Pearson said…
Oh, and here's the link again:
Ciera said…
I remember clicking that button for at least one thing I did lol thnx

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