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Ok, I know it's not Monday, but I thought I ought to let folks know that I'm moving to a new blog.  Well, I might still come here and vent once in a while.  That was always the purpose of this particular blog.  And that just won't fit with the new direction I need to go for my career. So, if you want to keep up with that, come see me at  A Novel Idea   Granted, not the most creative blog title ever, but for the time being it fits. Life is good :)

Google Hangout

I just had my first Google+ Hangout today, which was pretty darn cool!  Ever since my birthday, life has just been one adventure after another.  I'm not sure what was special about this past birthday, but I'm not minding what life is bringing me! So it was Jeff Roach from and it's about building a community of like believers etc. instead of traditional marketing.  I'll end up signing up for their membership eventually, once Justin gets done working on his truck.  Well, that might never happen...he's always working on one vehicle or another!  But once that gets settled down, because I can learn on my own - I just need a few pointers to get me headed in the right direction. One thing I took away from the Hangout was that I'm on the right track by beginning to blog again.  He used an example of another author blogging about their area of expertise.  Even though I write fiction, that's still something I can do to.  I might not be...


So I read this advice article about how to make the most of your blog.  It said something about posting about twice a week, preferably on Mondays and Thursdays.  Not sure why she said those two days, but it sounds like a plan to me! I'm still trying to figure out ways to get my novel out there so that it sells.  Everyone who has spoke to me about reading it tells me the same, that it's a great book, they can't put it down and they want more!  Encouraging, definitely!  And you know what?  I'm glad I'm not the only one that these characters speak to! Last I checked, I had four reviews on Amazon.  I know who three of them are, my one sister, a friend at work, and a friend here in the trailer court.  Of course, that one has to make a big deal about how she got to read it before it was published.  Talk about tooting her own horn!  Apparently she doesn't realize she wasn't the first, just the most recent!  Oh well, whatever makes her ...

Paperback Avialable

Well, there is now a paperback version of my novel available.  It can be purchased directly from CreateSpace  Here  and will be available on as well.  I don't have a link there yet as it's not up yet. idk what else to say really.  I'm excited, nervous all at once.  It's a good book, I've gotten plenty of good reports from people on Facebook who've read it.  A lot say that they can't put it down.  I'm glad to know that I'm not the only one who can't pull themselves out of the story once they start reading it.  Craig and Angela's life consumes me...scenes from their life together just keep replaying in my head.  Makes work go by a little bit quicker. lol Of course, it's frustrating at work, because I have all this great stuff floating around in my head and I no longer dare write on the back of my breakdown sheet during the 'slow times' because the bosses are getting anal about who'd not working hard enough during ...

Exciting Times

Well, my days have certainly been exciting recently.  Ever since I got married, I've been doing all sorts of impulsive things lol Not only is my novel available on for $3.50  Farmer's Daughter  but it will be available in paperback too once I get the proof copy, well, proofed.  It should be in the mail as early as next Monday. I can't begin to say how excited I am!  It's crazy to self publish...but I have nothing to lose, so why not!


Going to the Chapel

Okay, so I'm not really going to the chapel. Just the local Justice of the Peace. Tomorrow afternoon my partner of almost five years and I are legally tying the knot and getting married. I am: excited, nervous, flouting on cloud nine, and brain dead all at once. I can't believe that he's finally changed his mind about marriage, but I can see how happy he is now that he's decided to go ahead with it. I didn't even believe him until we bought the marriage license on Wednesday (Pennsylvania has a three day waiting period). It all started Saturday after his great-grandmother's funeral. We stood around his parent's truck with his parents discussing marriage. Which for the past few years has been in his ballpark as I've been asking him on and off if he'd marry me LOL! And then on the way home conversation followed, not all of it happy. We may have sat in the same room for a few minutes and then I just went to the bedroom and watched TV for a while....


Well, just a quick note to say that I've just discovered the Blogger app....and for some reason it makes me exceedingly happy. It makes blogging from my iPhone easier. Especially for poetry. I'm silly, I know. Lol

Slow Weekend

I hate feeling poorly on the weekends.  I mean, finally! It's a day I don't have to be up before the sun, I can snuggle in bed with my honey, putter around the house at my own speed and do whatever I want!  And all I want to do is lounge in bed, because I feel blah. I was reading about the payroll taxes going up 2% earlier today and I realized that if we get a 2% cost of living raise in June like we did last year...I'll only go back to bringing home what I was last year.  Unless the company is doing well and we get a 3% raise like the year before.  But since we barely hit 33 hours this past week (8 of which were holiday pay) it's not looking good.  Maybe it'll turn around though, it has before. At least with 33 hours next paycheck will be better than this last one.  Because bad weather made travel difficult...and my ride chickened out, and my backup plan failed, I missed one day Christmas week that resulted in me losing 3 days pay.  I lost holiday ...

A day late

So here I am a day late to say, "Happy New Year!" Didn't do much for New Years Eve...had a glass of wine at a friend's house and was in bed by 9:30 and was out before 10:30!  How time has changed me!  I used to have no problem staying up that late...ever!  I used to work nightshift for crying out loud! Ah well.  Hopefully this year will have more good than bad, though one never knows.  I've had an aunt diagnosed with breast cancer, allegedly a non-hereditary version (I've never heard of that).  My brother Duane is to have his gallbladder out, and was served divorce papers just before Christmas (nice...not).  And I've been diagnosed with multiple ovarian cysts and a fibroid tumor...nothing to worry about I've been told, but that doesn't stop the stray thoughts of worry that cross my mind every once in a while!  I see an OBGYN next week to discuss my options.  Oh yay. But things could be worse, so I can't complain too much! ttyl ppls