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Shock and Awe

It is a strange thing. How someone can say, "I'm sorry, please forgive me" and still manage to correct you all at is truly amazing to me. I was shocked that this person actually admitted to being wrong, and at the same time, I was ashamed for wanting it.

But it got me to thinking. About Repentance and once they have happened...there is healing and restoration. I haven't completely researched it yet, but the verses I've peaked at in James make me think I'm not far off. I wonder, just as one person sinning can spoil others...can one person repenting turn others to repentance? Hmm....

Of course, as in any relationship helps to know the whole story. Why do we do that, I wonder? Close up and not share what is going on, I mean. I know that sometimes, there are things that hurt too deep to share right away. It is frustrating.

Thanksgiving looks to be a dismal day so far. I'm not about ready to invite myself to anyone else's dinner. And I can't afford to drive out to Mom's two days in a row, and I won't spend the night. I hope something comes up.


Cliff said…
You know what? I believe that repentance can be just as contagious as sinning. More than once I have had someone apologize to me in a situation, and I then apologized for another aspect of that situation. My repentance was actually provoked by the repentance of the other person. Interesting, huh?
M. C. Pearson said…
Hi. Here via Jean-Luc's blogspot. You've posed a deep question. I like what cliff here said.

I hope you find a good place for Thanksgiving!

P.S. I'm a big fan of Anne of Green Gables too...*whispering*: You may want to correct your spelling on your profile. is Anne with an 'e'. She would be most upset. ;-)
Ciera said…
{{{m.c. - thanks so much for pointing that out...Anne would have had my hide!}}}
Ciera said…
*cough* doghair and fleas *cough*

please don't anyone ever tell her I said that
Anonymous said…
Has no one from your church invited you for T-day dinner?
Ciera said…
rob- no. they all ask me what I'm doing, but it ends there. {shrug}
Jean-Luc Picard said…
I really wish I could help you, Ciera. Thanksgiving should be welcoming people into their home and being grateful for what they have.

M.C. is right.That Anne of Green Gables is a tough girl!
Anne...wise girl.

Somber mood all around, AND I also will be alone for Thanksgiving (well except for toddler) Regarding repentance...try to forgive in spite of repentance. WOW, that is impossible...yet I've been told this.

People rarely apologize without also declaring why they had to sin. *sigh* Time...patience...

Sweet kindred spirit.

I am also a sister in Christ ...I realize my little blog is not as pleasing as HE would like, however....I am feeling some very RAW emotions, and am a little angry right now. Forgive - for staining your little ears with my tainted talk.

Again....peace to you.
M. C. Pearson said…
I've got to say that I adore/love/am enraptured by your new picture of the eye of God. A friend sent me that about a month ago and I just can't get over the coolness of it!
Wenchy said…
I am finding it hard to think of things to be thankful for today... but I am trying.
Ciera said…
Daydream...I don't think you're blog is tainted at all!!!! The Psalms are full of raw emotion, so I don't feel bad for feeling them from time to time.

M.C. - It took me forever to find the picture again, as I had misplaced it...but then I "Googled"!!! I love space pictures and this is one of my favorite!

Wenchy - have to find something---even if it is our next breath for even that is a gift from God.

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