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Failure and Success

I can't give you a sure-fire formula for success, but I can give you a formula for failure: try to please everybody all the time. Herbert Bayard Swope (1882 - 1958)

I forget exactly where I found this quote. I think it was something Snedeker had put up with the the weather forecast on the WNEP website...he does stuff like that.

You get very tired trying to please everybody all the time. Your head begins hurting, and Tylenol won't help it go away. You start losing sleep. You're appetite changes. And everything starts falling apart. Your friends stop wanting you to hang around, then deny ever saying such. Your pastors won't talk to you. You vent on your blog and pray that no one from church has the website because you worry that it would be taken to pastors...even though you're not saying anything wrong, you're just venting, but you know that if the right people got a hold of it, that they would turn it into something else and twist it.

I give up trying to do this...just like I gave it up yesterday, last month a year ago. I will keep giving up until it stays given up.


New job is keeping me busy, especially with the night hours. Proof: this was supposed to be Saturday's post!!!! :) Hope everyone's doing good...


David Meigs said…
I enjoyed your post.

The funny thing is, I can please God, but seldom my wife.

: )
Jean-Luc Picard said…
It's an excellent quote. You should never be afraid of what is in your blog. "This is who I am" is a good answer to anybody who asks..
Ciera said…
Curm - Thanks. I wonder how often I please God....I know I'm not very good at pleasing the people around me [although Jean-Lud seems an exception]...

Jean-Luc, I was thinking of people at church, but it does apply to the blog as well, doesn't it? Thanks so much for your encouragement.
... Paige said…
Ah, I'm sorry you are afraid. Keep fighting it off.
Ciera said…
Thanks Paige..I try my best. Just noticed my typo above...sorry Jean-Luc :( didn't mean to get your name wrong [blaming it on my discombobulation!]

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