Tonight is my last night to work for a couple days - and it's about time since I've been working for like, 8 days straight. I should have the next three days off ---- so that I can move.
Clean the room where I am suppose to live. Clean everything, or most of the stuff outa my apartment. Downsizing majorly.
Sigh. There's also a new Trek post on My Fiction.
See y'all in a couple of days.
Tonight is my last night to work for a couple days - and it's about time since I've been working for like, 8 days straight. I should have the next three days off ---- so that I can move.
Clean the room where I am suppose to live. Clean everything, or most of the stuff outa my apartment. Downsizing majorly.
Sigh. There's also a new Trek post on My Fiction.
See y'all in a couple of days.