PennDot's such a trip! I waited 2 hours to get out of there! I arrived shortly before 8:30 - which is an hour and a half before the DOT part actually opens, and just minutes before they unlock the building...but I was 1 of about 20 people already waiting for them, so they were nice enought to open early. There was a line out in the parking lot when I got there and I thought, 'yep, it's gonna be awhile'. I didn't get much sleep that day, but I've recovered. My pic wasn't too bad, but I was so tired by the time it was took that I just ok'd the first one - I figured, "I'm so tired, that this is just as good as it's gonna get!" Tomorrow is my birthday - and I have to work! :( But we're having a little picnic tonight to make up for it! There's gonna be cake! :D I am grieved beyond words for my friend who is having an affair. The man is not good, his beliefs run counter to Christianity and he actually told me via email that ...
We all see the world differently, sometimes correctly, sometimes flawed. This is my slice of reality, My Secret Place...where I come to vent, to imagine and to muse, to ramble on about my trials large and small...amongst people who accept me with all my flaws and foibles...and read anyways.