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Showing posts from July, 2007

2 Hours

PennDot's such a trip! I waited 2 hours to get out of there! I arrived shortly before 8:30 - which is an hour and a half before the DOT part actually opens, and just minutes before they unlock the building...but I was 1 of about 20 people already waiting for them, so they were nice enought to open early. There was a line out in the parking lot when I got there and I thought, 'yep, it's gonna be awhile'. I didn't get much sleep that day, but I've recovered. My pic wasn't too bad, but I was so tired by the time it was took that I just ok'd the first one - I figured, "I'm so tired, that this is just as good as it's gonna get!" Tomorrow is my birthday - and I have to work! :( But we're having a little picnic tonight to make up for it! There's gonna be cake! :D I am grieved beyond words for my friend who is having an affair. The man is not good, his beliefs run counter to Christianity and he actually told me via email that ...


So, here I sit --- 7:30AM...when I should be sleeping, but am instead waiting for the DMV to open up so that I can renew my drivers license. Sigh. Why can't the dayshifters cooperate with the nightshifters a little...ya know...stay open a little later...or open up sooner...or just plain have longer hours all togehter...??? And when it comes to good old PennDOT...why can't they be open more than one day a week in the same spot? Why do I have to wait until Thursday for them to be open in a locale near me? I mean, it's either that or drive forever to get to one that's open on another day....ok, that's a little melodramatic, but hey, that's me! I guess I'd best let y'all start leaving comments again...that way, when it's really my birthday next week, you can leave me b-day greetings...or you can ignore me like they do at work...that'll be ok too. I looked out mom's window a litle while ago, and saw a goodsized bunch of cornflowers opening up to ...

Mail Call

I ought to heck my mailbox more often...I might find good news! Nothing so sweet as a check, but I learned that I rehabilitated an old student loan. This is good. My payments will now be lower, if I wanted to I could get more student loans, and this will go on my credit rating and make it look better..well, a little better at any rate! I think I hear a mouse. I hope it's a mouse and not that squirrel that got into mom's trailer a few weeks ago!! I hope he goes away. I was back on nights tonight! Finally! I know this seems odd...but I like being on nights. I'm a night person, so this makes sense. True, it has its hardly ever getting to see the sun. Having to either stay up late or get up early to go to places like the bank, doctors etc... But at this place, I like the pace of nightshift better...there is more going on, and it's faster. And I like most of the people better...mostly! I'm afraid they're going to try to transfer me to ...


I'm doing better where near as tired and cranky!! I'm still going to turn comments off. I need to write for just me right now. I hope that makes sense. I worked from 9:30 to 6:30 today...all during the daytime!! It is very odd on dayshift...mostly cuz I'm so used to nights. I mean, I've been there for over a year now! The pace is so different...slower...though there are small spurts of busyness. Nights is much faster paced...and I can keep ahead of the press better. Deb is nice. She's the lady training me. She smokes, so sometimes she has that smokers smell...but that'd be my only "complaint". She has these loooong fake fingernails...they curve at the ends...and they really rather fascinate me [they grossed out the guy before me!!! LOL] I'm still really bothered by my cheating friend. She has a husband...but I guess he has cheated on her so it's all ok! Still, she threw away her Sunday school class, and all her other mi...

Cranky Butt

I am sooo cranky right now.... First of all, I have to work days for a few days to have some training from the dayshift supervisor. So I'm overtired right now, which alwyas makes me cranky. I'm gonig to go home soon, as soon as my laundry is done, and go to sleep, cuz I have to be at work at 9:30 in the morning...ew... Secondly, how much rejection can a girl take in one week? I mean, really! I decided to ask England to just come over here and marry me and take me home with him. He said no. The ocean is just too big of an obstacle for him to consider. I can't really blame him. But damn, that hurt. So...feeling that door firmly shut - as he is a stubborn man - I gather the courage to ask out my favorite pressman. He said no. !!!!!!! Men are dumb. But then...who am I to think that anyone is going to want "Steve's sloppy seconds"? Such a fool I've been. Unwanted. Undesirable My married friend gets more dates than I do....and I don't mean with her husband. ...
For some reason I can't put up titles on Diana's computer. Strange. Is anyone else having this problem? I guess I must have complained a lot about Jean-Luc being gone....most of his comments he left upon returning were just to say that he was back! I must admit to being a little embarrassed...but then..why should I be?!?! Still not much going on...but at least Diana's home tonight!!! LOL :D
Not much going on here...hanging at Diana's...even though she's not here. She lets me do that...not sure what she's doing or where...but I couldn't go along...she said something about a surprise...not sure if she meant for me or not...she didn't specify. But my birthday is coming up at the end of this month. Sigh. 31 on the 31st. It's supposed to be your "golden birthday" when you turn the age of they day of your birthday...follow that? It doesn't feel very golden. My birthday's haven't been very happy recently...the thought of growing older ... without someone to share those years with ... is a little, ok, a lot depressing for me. Especially since I'd like to have children with that someone...whoever my imaginary husband may be. And each year that passes with no ring on my finger...well...I can't help but think that before too long, I'm going to be too old to have babies. Women only have so long...and when they've ...

Happy 4th

Ok, so I'm a day late...and probably a dollar short too! LOL! Didn't do much for the 4th...Mom bailed on me Wednesday so I've had to come to her place on the 5th. We're watching The Polar Express while having our patriotic flag cake...which is pound cake with strawberries and blueberries covered with cool whip and a flag design made out of the remaining berries. It's very good. Did survive being bored and lonesome...this time!!! I miss Jean-Luc. :(


Bored....bored...bored... Dinah left for church without me...Paige is outa town...Mom's not home...Kirk isn't feel well...Jean-Luc's not home...and I'm bored...bored...bored... I guess, I'm gonna go work on my trek story.