It's that time again. For Michele's weekend Meet-n-Greet. Some frown, but others gleefully play.
Here's a question for all who visit here, whether on your own or from Michele's:
Last night during a prayer meeting, I had a memory flash through my mind. More like the shadow of the memory. I was five years old or younger and I was begging my father for a peanut butter cake. I really wanted one, and even though I was interupting the adult conversation and probably being a regular Dad quit what he was doing to search for a recipe for a peanut butter cake...uhm, I don't think he ever found one so he made me a chocolate one with peanut butter frosting. This is probably the best memory I have of my father. So - what is your favorite childhood memory?????
Here's a question for all who visit here, whether on your own or from Michele's:
Last night during a prayer meeting, I had a memory flash through my mind. More like the shadow of the memory. I was five years old or younger and I was begging my father for a peanut butter cake. I really wanted one, and even though I was interupting the adult conversation and probably being a regular Dad quit what he was doing to search for a recipe for a peanut butter cake...uhm, I don't think he ever found one so he made me a chocolate one with peanut butter frosting. This is probably the best memory I have of my father. So - what is your favorite childhood memory?????
I don't know about a best childhood memory, maybe it was this. Then again, maybe not.
Michele sent me. Have a great weekend!
1) I loved playing in the sheets mom would hang out to dry. I loved the way the smell and the shadows you could make with your hands.
2) I loved riding horses with my dad in the mountains.
3) I loved the way the house smelled of home cooked meals when I came home from school.
4) Giggling with my two sisters and playing jokes on each other
Hi from Michele
Hi, Michele sent me!
I hope you have a nice weekend, Ciera, and fun playing Michele's weekend game! Nice to meet you!
Great story about your dad. He really did the right thing at that moment, as it's stayed with you all these years.
I think one of my fondest memories is road games -- traveling with the school basketball team to distant games on Friday nights. Man, that was fun!
Michele sent me.
Michele suggests I should not skip you.
I guess I remember getting in trouble with my dad when we were shopping and then my dad felt he was wrong for being upset with me and he went out and bought me a surprise without me knowing and then apologized to me. It had a great impact on me
I am hear via Michele's meet and greet and I plan to browse around for a while! Lovely blog! :)