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Behind the Poem

In short, the hurt behind the poem is that my friend whom I just made up with and reached a new understanding with...had decided to cut me off...this time for my good as she started to believe the lie that she is a bad influence on me. Well, I didn't take it very well, argued with her for most of Saturday about it, trying to get her to understand that I don't think she's a bad influence and that it's my opinion that counts. I am almost 30 years old, I don't need my pastors deciding who I can and can't be friends with. They are free to express their opinions and concerns, but ultimately the choice is mine.

I'm not sure what exactly happened Friday night at the Watch, but it was the straw that broke the camels back for her. She and her husband decided that they will no longer be going to my church. A decision that at this time I wholeheartedly support----so long as she doesn't lock her door on me! I know things will change, but it doesn't have to be in a bad way. We ought to be able to decide together what those changes will be since it's our friendship.

We haven't always had such a turbulent relationship. Honest. I'm not sure when this rollercoaster ride started exactly. Maybe in October? I dunno. {shrug}

She's been so beat on by our pastors and other leadership at our church that it's not funny.

But to say so is "focusing on the negative" and we wouldn't want to be negative people now would we? How else can we know what to fix if first we can't admit that it's broken.

So, it was a rough weekend.

And then, Monday, I get notice that our housing inspections are going ot be on Wednesday of this week. Great! Housework is the first thing that suffers when I get depressed and since I've been fighting it on and off for moths, I had some work to so. Which is where I've been this week. Cleaning and organizing. I swallowed my pride and asked a friend to help, and so now the apartment is so, I should have had this friend around to help me when I first moved in because she is like amazing!

OK. Have to go now. I have to go babysit the kids of my bad influence soon and I want to talk to England before I have to go. LOL!


Cliff said…
Are you going to find a new church as well? I suggest Wheelerville.
Ciera said…
I would not be able to leave right off, as it would be viewed as my following her influence. It would make the viscious gossip about her even worse. Especially if she were to go to Wheelerville too.
Jean-Luc Picard said…
I suspect you and your friend will become closer without that church telling her what to do, Ciera.
M. C. Pearson said…
I agree with Jean-Luc. Also, haven't these people ever heard of Love? Did they skip that part in the Bible when Jesus sat down and befriended the sinners? Not saying that your friend is the sinner(well, we all are, aren't we?) Friendship and Love is what should be preached, not 'stay away from those that don't agree with everything I say!' A healthy church has many personalities, not cookie-cutter Christians, but real Christians! Grrrr...I hope your friend will find a great church that embraces her with love!
Ciera said…
MC - Like I told Jean-Luc in an email, my church has had two messages on love and it has seemed to go right over their heads. It does not help that the leadership of the church does not receive it either. Hmm, could that be the problem? My friend got run out of church for saying just that sort of thing!

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