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Isn't She Cute?

Isn't she the cutest? Well, so, ok, I'm partial to her.

This is "my" dog...Little Bear. I got her shortly after high school graduation, even though Dad said, "No dogs" when we left to house to go look at her.

I was depressed that year, quite badly. I had just been kicked out of college for being depressed, and was feeling quite the failure. And I thank God that this pup came into my life. She gave me friendship, and someone else to think about other than myself.

Little Bear was never able to forgive me when I went out and got a real job, and so became my mother's dog. She wouldn't give me the time of day for years. Until I moved out on my she can't get enough of me when I visit. How typical!

She's going on 12 years-old now, which is like .. alot .. in dog years. She only ever had one litter up puppies...underneath my the middle of the January 1996 flood. She was fixed shortly after that, which is why she's a little bit of a porker in this photo which was taken Easter Sunday in my mother's driveway {{{And for those of you wondering --- those feet in the background belong to my mother!!}}}


Jean-Luc Picard said…
What a lovely dog Little Bear is! So sweet!
srp said…
I love dogs and cats and animals in general.. should have been a vet I guess. Little Bear is such a cute name....for a cute doggie.
Here from Michele.
kimbofo said…
Michele sent me to say Little Bear looks adorable! In fact, she looks remarkably like my childhood dog Penny, who lived to the ripe old age of 18! She, too, developed grey whiskers that gave her a very distinguished kind of look. So sweet.
a pet is a true friend

michele sent me
Sandy said…
Little Bear is a beauty. Pets touch our lives in an amazing way don't they?

Michele sent me to say hi.
Karen said…
What are the odds that I'd hit two blogs in a row via Michele's with dog stories - amazing! What a cute little dog. She sounds like she's well-loved.

Have a great weekend. Michele sent me!
Aginoth said…
resisting my childrens request for a dog atm...I just know who'd really end up looking after it

Michele sent me
carmilevy said…
She looks so happy that it's hard not to feel happier after seeing her picture and reading your entry.

Makes me want one even more. Maybe soon...

Do you think Michele would want me to have a dog?
M. C. Pearson said…
Cute made me LOL about the feet!

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