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So true

Nothing against rednecks...honest...I'm related to a few...there's a moral in this story, honest...

The Restaurant

An Irishman in a wheel chair entered a restaurant one afternoon and asked the waitress for a cup of coffee. The Irishman looked across the restaurant and asked, "Is that Jesus sitting over there?" The waitress nodded "yes," so the Irishman told her to give Jesus a cup of coffee on him.

The next patron to come in was an Englishman with a hunched back. He shuffled over to a booth, painfully sat down, and asked the waitress for a cup of hot tea. He also glanced across the restaurant and asked, "Is that Jesus over there?" The waitress nodded again, so the Englishman said to give Jesus a cup of hot tea, too.

The third patron to come into the restaurant was a Redneck on crutches. He hobbled over to a booth, sat down and hollered, "Hey there sweet thang, how's about gettin' me a cold glass of RC!" He too, looked across the restaurant and asked, "Is that God's boy over there?" The waitress nodded again, so the Redneck said to give Jesus a cold glass of RC, too.

As Jesus got up to leave, he passed by the Irishman, touched him and said, "For your kindness, you are healed." The Irishman felt the strength come back into his legs, got up and danced a jig out the door.

Jesus also passed by the Englishman, touched him and said, "For your kindness, you are healed." The Englishman felt his back straightening up, and he raised up his hands, praised the Lord and did a series of back flips out the door.

Then Jesus walked towards the Redneck. The Redneck jumped up and yelled, "Hey, man, don't touch me...... I'm drawin' disability!!!!!"


ribbiticus said…
haha! good one! :)

michele says hi!
I'm here!! Still kicking. I love the joke. SOOO true.
M. C. Pearson said…
That is way too close to the mark...I know some people like that. How sad. Funny joke but sad how true it is!
Jean-Luc Picard said…
That's a good one, Ciera!
Cliff said…
Believe it or not, I've actually heard someone say that before. Not really those exact words, but you know. This person was concerned about getting healed, for the same kind of financial reason. It seems strange to me, especially considering how much more money you make when you get a decent job and work hard.
Don't get me wrong. the joke is funny. It's also sad at the same time, because it's true.
By the way, I just noticed a handicapped symbol next to the word verification thing. What's that all about? Does that mean that your blog is handicapped accesible?
M. C. Pearson said…
Here at the foothills of the Appalachians (redneck country), drawing disability seems to be a local organized sport.
Ciera said…
I have heard the exact same thing before Cliff...the little handicap sign means that you can click on it and if your computer has speakers, it'll read the letters to you...of course, you have to be able to see the handicap sign wouldn't you.

Y'all want to here a real redneck experience that happened to me the other day.

As a busdriver, I can be randomly called for a drug and/or alcohol test. So that happened to me...and you know you live in a small community when you gor for your drug and alcohol test and they ask if you're Paul's sister...likewise, you know you're a redneck when you go for your D/A test and they know you're Paul's sister!!!!!!! the only way it could have been better, would have been if the tester had beena ralative of mine!!!! LOL

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