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Just when I thought life couldn't get any does.

It's not bad enough that I have to have another PAP smear just 6 months after the last one, which they do when somethings not quite right with the one you just's not bad enough that there's a nasty rumor going around at work that my new boyfriend is already cheating on's not bad enough that my car needs inspection next month and I know it needs's not bad enough that my body hurts, finger joints hurt, my hip's not bad enough that I've been having trouble breathing for a month..........I know it's not bad enough because I just got served with an eviction notice today. I knew I was behind in rent, but I didn't realize I was that behind! I need $408 by the end of the month to stop it, or it's 'Pack your bags, babe"...I wonder if God would give me a miracle I don't deserve? Please, all of you who pray, please pray for me.


One thing at a time sweetie. One thing. Breathe and work on the most important one....which is prayer and robbery.

*giggle* Just trying to cheer ya up.

A RUMOR is sometimes just that.
M. C. Pearson said…
I'll be praying, Ciera! I know a bit about what you're going through. We have to move by the end of the month...and God has granted us a miracle. He can certainly do so for you too! Breathing and joints hurt? When was the last time you had your blood pressure taken? I have high blood pressure and that stuff happens when I'm not on my medication...take some may help a bit. But if the trouble breathing is when you lie down and your chest feels tight and it is hard to is most likely your blood pressure. Do not delay! Get it checked.

I agree with daydream believer...rumors are just that. Rumors.

I've been through car trouble and home trouble with financial problems...God will see you through. Trust Him...when things like this happen, I always know something great is being planned!
Jean-Luc Picard said…
So sorry to hear about all your problems, Ciera. It's awful for them all to come together.
... Paige said…
The more the problems the bigger the miracle. Trust it will work out for the best. Even when we don't like will be the best for us.
Anonymous said…
Do you have paypal?
Ciera said…
Daydreamer: it worked, you made me laugh :)

MC: I'm hoping you and Daydreamer are right about the rumor part. Glad to know you understand some of what I am going through :)

Jean-Luc: :)

Paige: thanks

adelay: no I don't...???
Anonymous said…
*nods* I was gonna offer to send ya some help from a random blogger...:)

Hope this ends well for you!

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