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What a web he weaves.

So, I lovingly spread the gossip that Steven's girl is pregnant and they don't know if it's his or not. And he retaliates by telling people that I made it up, that we were never dating and only fooling around, and that I'm obsessed with him. LOL!!! Like anyone believes him anyway.

I saved the Messenger conversation in which both he and Heather told me they were pregnant. I can take anyone right into the hard copy, of which I don't possess the knowledge to change.

Everyone knows that he and I were dating...even Heather knew that...for crying out loud, I've lost count of how many times she told me how glad she was that I was the one dating Steven and not her. And if you're just folloing around with a girl, you don't go to family things with her, where her brother pays your way into an amusement park [I've asked for that money back even though I'll probably never see it]...I hope he still has the bruise the rollercoaster gave him. You don't tell her that you'll do anything to prove that there's nothing going on with the other woman...if there's no relationship and it's all about sex, then why would it matter if there was anything going on with another woman? His own twisted logic trips him up.

And everyone knows who I am "obsessed" with now [I'm quite certain even Matt knows I like him] and if I am at all obsessed with Steven it is in relation to making his life even a quarter of the living hell he made my life. Continues to make my life, since my period really was a week late in coming...since I had to have a test for an STD recently that I'm still waiting for the results too.


I don't have to make up lies about Steven to tell. The truth is scary enough.


Jean-Luc Picard said…
He can't deny the past!
Ciera said…
Of course he can...people live in denial all the time. Our time together meant absolutely nothing to Steven except a good time...that's all he'll ever admit to. Because to admit that we were dating...he'd have to admit that he cheated on me...and he's not a cheater.......LIAR!!!!!!
utenzi said…
You sure do have a complicated life right now, Ciera. I hope that everything calms down a bit.

I certainly agree with you regarding denial. People have amazing powers in that area.
Ciera said…
Utenzi - perhaps it will get less complicated once I start making better choices!

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