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The Dark Knight

OK. I will admit it. I have a strange fascination with Batman. I don' t know why exactly, but I do. Wasn't a big fan of Michael Keaton as the Dark Knight, or George Clooney, but did like Val Kilmer. But they gave the new movie to someone other than Tim Burton so it wasn't as comic booky. Although the Scarecrow scenes with the hallucenogenic drug was a bit...intensely gross. Anyhow.......the best line and lesson in the movie is a phrase Bruce Wayne's father says near thebeginning. "Why do we fall? So we can learn to pick ourselves back up."

And so that put my week into a whole different perspective, doesn't it. While I would get into trouble for saying that I learned a spiritual lesson from a "worldy secular" movie - I did.

Verses from the bible: Psalm 37:24 "Though he fall, he shall not be utterly cast down; for the Lord upholds him with His hand." Psalm 145:14 "The Lord upholds all who fall, and raises up all who are bowed down." James 3:2a "For we all stumble in many things."

And so. My friend shall have to take care of herself. For far too long it has been that where ever she has gone spiritually, I have followed. Whatever place she is at, that causes her to hate me enough to call me names, I will not go any further into that place of darkness myself. And I was. Didn't realize it completely at first, but I have now and I say "Thus far and no more".

It's going to be lonely. Yeah, I know that God is always with me and all that, even when I can't feel Him. But honestly...I'm very much alone right now, and yes, lonely. Oh, there are those in church who have said that I can talk to them anytime about my present pain, and that they wouldn't tell a soul......but I must say, that I don't trust them very much. I mean, I can't quite explain it, but I get the "feeling" that these persons are like wolves sensing a hurt lamb, or pirahana's smelling blood. Well, if fish smell. I'm not saying that I don't love those who have offered their shoulder to me. But I am not going to cry on them. I am working very heard not to shed my tears of hurt in public. Been doing a so-so job at it. Crying about it here doesn't count as public, although in a sense it is.

I think I'm going to check and see if I have enough money for ice cream, I'm having a hankoring for Ben & Jerry's Chunky Monkey. Complete change is subject, can you tell?! LOL.

Actually, I have to go back home and get my computer disk because I forgot it. Duh.


Minerva said…
Oh Ciera...
You sound in a very difficult place but we are here to listen so talk, talk all you like..

Loved your comment about the big and little c...

Jo said…

Tell us what's troubling you hon...God will always love you for who you are whoever that is. Tell us more...
utenzi said…
I had a girlfriend a while back that was in AA and there were folk in that group they'd refer to as 13 steppers that would prey on the vulnerable. I suppose churches could have similar people--just looking for hurt souls that are vulnerable. Do be careful, Ciera.
Jean-Luc Picard said…
You know where I am, Ciera. You can always talk to me.
Anonymous said…
Ciera, I get the sense that you are in a somewhat judgmental or legalistic church. Am I wrong? The fact that you feel you would be "in trouble" for finding spiritual application in popular culture makes me wonder.

Personally, I have no problem with doing that -- digging up spiritually significant bits out of movies. In fact, I love doing it. It reminds me that while, yes, there's lots of junk out there, there's also just as many people as ever that are searching very deeply for lasting significance, for ultimate purpose.

Why are we here? What is this life for? What good can I do while I'm here? Do I have what it takes?

Movies can often be a dim reflection of these Big Ideas. That's not a problem. A problem would be if that was all you referred to for your spiritual guidance. And I'm pretty sure that you do not.

Good for you on establishing some boundaries!
Cliff said…
I am proud of you, not letting things or people keep you down. You know, there is a song by Bob Carlisle. He tells us that "Saints are just the sinners who fall down and get up." Although we could dispute his wording a little if we wanted to, we know what he means, and he's right. You've learned a valuable lesson. Don't forget it.

By the way, I also don't think that it is a bad thing that you got your divine illumination from a movie. I have often seen spiritual principle either displayed or discussed in movies. There is a woman at our church who actually found one in a violent "children's movie." I, on the other hand, have found tons of stuff in the Star Trek movies. Star Trek 5 was pretty obvious, but the rest was a bit more obscure. For example, take the first movie. Most people will say the highlight of that movie was the great special effects for that time period. As nice as those special effects are, the first thing I remember is that the created wanted to find the creator, and just finding the creator wasn't good enough. V'ger wanted to touch the creator. Now that is a desire for a deep and personal relationship, and watching that movie spurs me on to that desire myself. Is that wrong? Not hardly. If we are going to argue about where and how God decides to communicate with us, we might as well join those Baptists who still campaign against Christian Contemporary Music because it has a drumbeat, and that's from the devil. Can a drum beat really negate the lyrics? No. Neither should the media source negate the Rhema Word of God.
Ciera said…
Minerva - glad you liked the big and little 'c' comment. I'll let my pastor know since it came from him.

Jo - where'd you come from? Dones't matter, just....Welcome to my insane world just the same.

Utenzi - Ain't no one gonna step on me. that's for sure. :) I'm not telling anyone what I'm sharing here..lucky for you guys, huh?

Captain - which quadrant did you say you where in? :P

Rob - I no longer know what kind of church I am in. It's not the same one I walked into 7 years ago. Not saying that it's bad, just...I don't handle change as well as I'd like. BUT - I have gotten...shall we say...chastised...for a comment I once made about a Star Trek movie {Nemesis} and so try to keep my comments to myself. Not everyone has a mind like mine...which is good...I just wish I didn't feel like it's wrong to process info like I do. We do have a bit of judgmental/legalistic problems though....and we're supposed to be Pentacostal/charismatic where none of that is supposed to take place, right? {{{throws hands up in surrender and pleads for the rapture to take place}}} Ok - that was a bit cheeky, but I bet it made you smile a little bit.

Cliff - I've never looked at The Motion Picture that way...And I hate to say this, but I never like number 5 either. it was too Shatner-y for me. But I can maybe see what you're saying. And hey - careful what you say about Baptists...that's still the same we go by [even though we have a drumbeat].
Ciera said…
Fluke - Keaton was ok, but Christian Bale's cuter.

And you're sometimes a little, uhm, short tempered with Sprok. Just a little. PLease don't yell at me.


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